8 Best principles You Should Follow When Designing a Landscape for a Residential Garden

Every home owner in Melbourne wants to have a stunning landscape design for his garden. And he would be surprised to know that there are certain landscape principles adopted by every Melbourne landscape architect to ensure his objective is achieved. Given below are 8 best principles that need to be followed:


1. Incorporate the ‘Law of Significant Enclosure’


This law states that the feeling of being enclosed in a space can be achieved if the vertical length of the space is not less than one-third length of the available horizontal space. The law becomes relevant in this context as the true essence of having a garden is to feel enclosed within the lap of nature and refresh oneself from what it has to offer. So, application of this law is an absolute must.


2. Go by the ‘Regulating Line’


Besides the creative process, the Melbourne landscape architect follows some geometrical concepts as well. The concept of ‘regulating line’ states that you can draw an illusory line between the architecture component and landscaping feature. This helps to bring the element of cohesiveness and unity within the garden.


3. Base your Proportions on the Golden Rectangle Ratio 


A good landscape design includes some math calculations too, like the Golden Rectangle Ratio. The concept states that, in a rectangle the ratio of the short side to the lengthier one is equivalent to the ratio of the long side to the total of the two sides. This proportion is useful when you have to lay out patios, terraces, lawns, arbors etc. and can be numerically stated to be around 1:1.6 


4. Apply Thomas D. Church’s Rule for Designing Steps


Thomas D. Church’s rule for designing steps states that the sum of the tread and the doubled height of the riser should be equivalent to 26 inches. So if the riser (vertical part of the step) is about 6 inches then the tread has to be 14 inches. Applying this rule will surely enable you to make your step designing, the focal point of all visitors.


5. Begin from Big Plants


The order for planting starts from trees, followed by shrubs, perennials and lastly the ground cover. This rule is vital due to its practicality. Planting of large trees requires greater paraphernalia and could possibly damage freshly planted smaller plants.


6. Plant a single variety in large numbers


Viewing a sea of similar blooms is highly appealing to the eye and easier done than an arrangement of multiple varieties. So, it is best to plant masses of single blooms than thousand kinds.


7. Size is crucial


Experience has shown that when it comes to size it is always best to go big; whether it is a matter of making a staircase wider or a pool longer or a pergola taller. This rule has to be remembered while deciding the scale of the landscape.


8. Plant right


Lastly, it is necessary to plant your saplings in a correctly sized and modified pit which is at a correct height. If this rule is not adhered to then the results of all the other plan components will be poor. 

So, go ahead and get ready for a beautifully designed landscaped garden!

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Author: Landscaping Mates

At Landscaping Mates, we believe that honest & highest quality of workmanship is a path to deliver excellent customer experience. All our projects, regardless of size/price are finished to meet and exceed the landscaping industry standards. We take pride in building beautiful landscapes & gardens, our customers regard us as professional landscape gardeners in Melbourne.