Expert Tips: Do’s and Don’ts for Front Yard Landscaping

The outdoor environment of your home certainly makes a great impact on every visitor. The landscaping of your front yard therefore, assumes vital importance. What exactly needs to be included to create an attractive front yard landscaping Melbourne design? What errors need to be avoided? Given below are certain dos and don’ts that will help you to maximize the curb appeal of your front yard landscaping. You can also talk to any good front yard landscaper to guide you in this context.

  • Don’t start planting without a plan: Plan before you embark on planting your foliage. Take into consideration factors such as the soil composition, space available and decide on the plants accordingly. Don’t plant just because you find certain plants very attractive.
  • Do focus on the big picture: Envision the overall effect of the landscaping; will the planned combination of shrubbery, lawn and flowers gel with one another or will one stand out conspicuously and will it go with the overall architecture of the house? 
  • Don’t forget the effect of climate: If you live in regions with extreme climates or in warm regions then pick up plant species that are best suited to the climate of your area. Ensure that your landscaping has an adequate assortment of plants to sustain bloom all the year round.

Very nice Front yard and garden design

  • Do give the plants adequate space: All trees need space as they grow over time.  Leave room for every plant as otherwise it will compete with the adjoining plants for space.
  • Don’t confuse your visitors with regard to your home entrance: Let the entrance to your home be distinct and welcoming so that visitors are not left puzzled as to which door to enter into.

Landscape professional working

  • Do give attention to the landscaping components:  Factors such as size, color, shape, texture and other aspects have to be proportionate with one another. Don’t think in single numbers; a single plant will not make any impact. Plant in multiples for a greater visual impact.
  • Don’t compromise on the space between the walkway and the adjoining plants or shrubbery: There should be adequate space between the plants and the walkway so as to enable guests and inhabitants of the house to walk comfortably on the pathway without touching the shrubbery. A gap of about two feet is good enough space. 
  • Do ensure that the steps are as wide as the pathway: Let the steps be proportionate or in line with the pathway they join.
  • Don’t go for something you can’t manage: Time is scarce; hence, assess how much time you can spare on maintenance. Otherwise it is best to go for a landscape that is low on maintenance.
  • Do make the pathways sufficiently wide: The pathways need to be at least a meter wide. 
  • Don’t hold things back when you discuss your project with your front yard landscaper: Spell out the factors that will give maximum enjoyment to you and your family from your front yard landscaping to the landscaper so that he can deliver as per your requirements. This will enable you to relax in the front yard of your dreams for long times to come.

Follow these tips and you’ll surely have a  beautifully landscaped garden.

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Author: Landscaping Mates

At Landscaping Mates, we believe that honest & highest quality of workmanship is a path to deliver excellent customer experience. All our projects, regardless of size/price are finished to meet and exceed the landscaping industry standards. We take pride in building beautiful landscapes & gardens, our customers regard us as professional landscape gardeners in Melbourne.